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You install an unmanaged or managed Symantec Endpoint Protection client directly on a Linux computer. You cannot deploy the Linux client from Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager remotely. The installation steps are similar whether the client is unmanaged or managed.

The only way to install a managed client is with an installation package that you create in Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager. You can convert an unmanaged client to a managed client at any time by importing client-server communication settings into the Linux client.

If the Linux operating system kernel is incompatible with the pre-compiled Auto-Protect kernel module, the installer tries to compile a compatible Auto-Protect kernel module. The auto-compile process automatically launches if it is needed. However, the installer might be unable to compile a compatible Auto-Protect kernel module. In this case, Auto-Protect installs but is disabled.


You must have superuser privileges to install the Symantec Endpoint Protection client on the Linux computer. The procedure uses sudo to demonstrate this elevation of privilege.

To install the Symantec Endpoint Protection client for Linux

  1. Copy the installation package that you created to the Linux computer. The package is a .zip file.

  2. On the Linux computer, open a terminal application window.

  3. Navigate to the installation directory with the following command:

    cd /directory/

    Where directory is the name of the directory into which you copied the .zip file.

  4. Extract the contents of the .zip file into a directory named tmp with the following command:

    unzip "InstallPackage" -d sepfiles

    Where InstallPackage is the full name of the .zip file, and sepfiles represents a destination folder into which the extraction process places the installation files.

    If the destination folder does not exist, the extraction process creates it.

  5. Navigate to sepfiles with the following command:

    cd sepfiles

  6. To correctly set the execute file permissions on install.sh, use the following command:

    chmod u+x install.sh

  7. Use the built-in script to install Symantec Endpoint Protection with the following command:

    sudo ./install.sh -i

    Enter your password if prompted.

    This script initiates the installation of the Symantec Endpoint Protection components. The default installation directory is as follows:


    The default work directory for LiveUpdate is as follows:


    The installation completes when the command prompt returns. You do not have to restart the computer to complete the installation.

To verify the client installation, click or right-click the Symantec Endpoint Protection yellow shield and then click Open Symantec Endpoint Protection. The location of the yellow shield varies by Linux version. The client user interface displays information about program version, virus definitions, server connection status, and management.