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22A Hue Street, Hanoi, Vietnam 0904092014 info@binhminhitc.com

Hardware Services

Flexibly responding to your needs and wishes

Servers for lease

Firewall for lease

Storage for lease

Networks for lease

Dedicated Server

Our fully managed dedicated hosting is a great fit for high-performance and I/O intensive applications. Our dedicated servers deliver performance, security and control for mission-critical workloads. And you get the flexibility to scale out to the cloud of your choice.

Colocation Server

We can guarantee the uptime, high availability, compliance and protection that your colocated servers need. The highly secure data centers were built with N+1 redundancy on all networks, hardware, power systems, and generators …

Render Farm Service

We continuously upgrades its technology to conform to the latest trends in the field. The nodes typically make use of Xeon for processing purposes and come with many GB of RAM. Potential customers are offered free trial runs as a show of confidence in the company’s rendering capacity. Some of the supported applications include Autodesk 3DS Max, Autodesk Maya, Maxon Cinema 4D, Autodesk Softimage an

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