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Trying to become a WordPress expert?  It’s a long journey.

The good news is that the WP community, being centered around a CMS, is inherently into publishing.  There’s a ton of great content about WordPress and how to use it. However, these aren’t just great articles.  The WordPress tutorials below are incredible.

31 Advanced WordPress Tutorials

Each tutorial below:

  • goes into deep detail
  • shares insight gained through experience
  • and serves as a hub for further learning materials

No, you won’t be an expert just by reading them, but you’ll know what’s possible.  The advanced guides are categorized by subject matter, and I’d bookmark each or save them to a list of reading materials.

WordPress Security Tutorials

This first guide is a visual overview of WordPress security:

These next two are comprehensive guides on securing WordPress:

This last article explains specifically how to remove malware from an infected site:

Theme Development Tutorials

These first six tutorials all cover the creation of a WordPress from start to finish.  Getting a few different perspectives and approaches should help you develop your own approach when developing WordPress themes.

The next four guides cover a variety of development topics related to building themes:

This last one is a tutorial for designers.  It’s concise and useful overview of creating color harmony in your themes:

Four Quick Tips For Improving Color Harmony In Your Theme Customizations

Plugin Development Tutorials

The first two of these tutorials for developers cover the basics of writing a WordPress plugin and what it entails:

The next four are detailed instructions on how to create a plugin from scratch:

WordPress SEO Tutorials

I cut a few guides from the list because these are the only two you need.  They’re both very good and comprehensive, but if you want to hear explanations from two different sources, these are both good reads:

Speed/Performance Tutorials

These first two tutorials cover a variety of steps that are easy to implement and will speed up your WordPress site:

The last guide is more comprehensive and is well cited for further exploration:

Multisite Tutorials

The first two multisite tutorials cover the basics of getting setup and started with multisite:

The next two help guides cover domain mapping with multisite and instructions for setting it up:

Finally, this last post explains how to make your plugins compatible with WP multisite:

Making Plugins Compatible with WordPress Multisite

The Best WordPress Guides

Each of the above advanced tutorials are incredibly informative and worth reading top-to-bottom. It’ll take a while to get through all of them, so don’t forget to bookmark this page for later use.